Dami In-Super Love中文歌詞 英文歌詞 翻譯
這首歌是充滿力量的一首勵志歌曲呢~有愛的包容,就更敢勇敢向前,共勉之: )
They say we got our heads in the clouds, I don't mind
So forget about your lows and your highs, you're the sky
-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x- x-歌詞開始-x-x-x-x-x-x -x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-
Maybe this is all a little crazy 說起來可能有點瘋狂
But I wanna know if you'd come run away with me 但我想帶你逃離塵囂
Because you are, are thinking about my love 因為你,你嚮往著愛
Because I, I'm thinking about your love 因為我,我嚮往著你
And maybe it's euphoria that's talking now 現在說起來真令人高興
But I wanna breathe you in and never breathe you out 我要與你形影不離,永不離棄
Because you are, are thinking about my love 因為你,你嚮往著愛
Because I, I'm thinking about your love 因為我,我嚮往著你
We're diamonds in the rough 我們用平庸隱藏著鑽石光芒
The stars are made of us 星辰造就了我們
Nothing can bring us down down down 任何事都無法拖垮我們
We got that super love 我們擁有超凡的愛
We got that super love 我們擁有超凡的愛
We got that super love 我們坐擁超凡的愛
Nothing can bring us down down down 誰都無法絆倒我
We got that super love 我們擁有超凡的愛
They say what doesn't kill you is supposed to make you strong 流言蜚語只會讓我們更加茁壯
But I wanna die a thousand times inside your arms 但我想倒在你的懷裡,無數次任性
Because you are, are thinking about my love 因為你,你嚮往著愛
Because I, I'm thinking about your love 因為我,我嚮往著你
And maybe you don't know what you got 'til it's gone 堅持到底才能擁有豐碩的果實
I'm already so far gone on what you got me on 我已經遠遠超乎你的想像
Because you are, are thinking about my love 因為你,你嚮往著愛
Because I, I'm thinking about your love 因為我,我嚮往著你
We're diamonds in the rough 我們用平庸隱藏著鑽石光芒
The stars are made of us 星辰造就了我們
Nothing can bring us down down down 任何事都無法拖垮我們
We got that super love 我們擁有超凡的愛
We got that super love 我們擁有超凡的愛
We got that super love 我們坐擁超凡的愛
Nothing can bring us down down down 誰都無法絆倒我
We got that super love 我們擁有超凡的愛
They say we got our heads in the clouds, I don't mind 他們說我們置身烏雲,我不放在心上
So forget about your lows and your highs, you're the sky 拋開所有是非,盡情翱翔
We got that super love 我們擁有超凡的愛
We got that super love 我們坐擁超凡的愛
We got that super love 我們擁有超凡的愛
We got that super love 我們坐擁超凡的愛
Nothing can bring us down down down 誰都無法絆倒我
We got that super love 我們擁有超凡的愛