My Chemical Romance-HELENA 中文歌詞 中英翻譯
MCR的經典名曲~~Helena,為了紀念Gee過世的奶奶取的歌名,難怪我第一次聽想說怎麼聽不到人名(?)XDD 聽說Mikey第一次聽到這首歌哭了>__< 可愛的孩子,然後除了官方MV版以外,我在YOUTUBE看到Fans made版,就是MV側拍!!!好可愛啊!!!Gee大投入有瘋狂的對嘴從各個角度一覽無遺…>///<
Burning on just like a match you strike to incinerate
The lives of everyone you know
And like the blade you stain (blade you stain)
Well, I've been holding on tonight
Can we pretend to leave and then
We'll meet again when both our cars collide.
這是我最最最喜歡的一段!!非常有畫面的歌詞,完全把Gee的病態展露無遺XDD 好瘋狂的想法!好喜歡!我們的車相撞後,我們就能團聚了。
And if you carry on this way
Things are better if I stay
Long ago 很久之前
Just like the hearse, you die to get in again 您過世後,躺回靈車中
We are so far from you 您是如此遙不可及
Burning on just like a match you strike to incinerate 都燒光吧,火柴終會燃燒至盡
The lives of everyone you know 如同您熟知的生命終將逝去
And what's the worst you take (worst you take) 更糟的是什麼呢?
From every heart you break (heart you break) 您讓愛您的人都心碎
And like the blade you stain (blade you stain) 您的血沾汙了手術刀
Well, I've been holding on tonight 我會熬過今晚的
What's the worst that I can say? 還有什麼更糟的嗎?
Things are better if I stay 我留下來會好點嗎?
So long and goodnight 如此難熬的夜晚,晚安吧
So long and goodnight 如此難熬的夜晚,晚安吧
Came a time 又到了這時候
When every star fall brought you to tears again 當眼淚又隨著星星墜落而滑下臉龐
We are the very hurt you sold 我們為您傷心欲絕
And what's the worst you take (worst you take) 更糟的是什麼呢?
From every heart you break (heart you break) 您讓愛您的人都心碎
And like the blade you stain (blade you stain) 您的血沾汙了手術刀
Well, I've been holding on tonight 我會熬過今晚的
What's the worst that I can say? 還有什麼更糟的嗎?
Things are better if I stay 我留下來會好點嗎?
So long and goodnight 如此難熬的夜晚,晚安吧
So long and goodnight 如此難熬的夜晚,晚安吧
And if you carry on this way 如果您必須離開我們
Things are better if I stay 那我留下來,會好點吧
So long and goodnight 如此難熬的夜晚,晚安吧
So long and goodnight 如此難熬的夜晚,晚安吧
Can you hear me? 您聽得見我嗎?
Are you near me? 您在我身旁嗎?
Can we pretend to leave and then 我們可以假裝暫時分開,然後在遇見嗎
We'll meet again when both our cars collide. 當我們的車相撞時,我們就能相見了
What's the worst that I can say? 還有什麼更糟的嗎?
Things are better if I stay 我留下來會好點嗎?
So long and goodnight 如此難熬的夜晚,晚安吧
So long and goodnight 如此難熬的夜晚,晚安吧
And if you carry on this way 如果您必須離開我們
Things are better if I stay 那我留下來,會好點吧
So long and goodnight 如此難熬的夜晚,晚安吧
So long and goodnight 如此難熬的夜晚,晚安吧