Gerard Way-Millions 中英字幕 中文翻譯歌詞




這MV真是廉價到不行XDD 不過很有記憶點啊,藝術氣息配上專業的大白眼(真是越翻越久……..),沒錯就是Gerard Way主唱大人的風格




My mouth is sore,I'm keeping score

直譯是”我的嘴很痛,但我仍在得分”承接上一句是And while we’re laying on the floor,所以我想像是他們一起躺在地上,喋喋不休講個不停的樣子。

You believe in love,I believe in faith


A million reasons but I need a million more





You twist my arm,I'm twisting fate  妳擰著我的手,要我反轉命運

You'll leave alone, or crazy great  妳會習慣孤獨還是人來瘋呢

Or break into a million pieces, all your reasons  或被擊碎成數不完的碎片,都有可能啊


Lets live alone and out of state  我們試著遠離世俗

Lets make up everything and wake up breathing  讓我們拼湊生活,重新賦予生命

Don't give a damn about the wreck you leave in  別去想那些被妳遺忘的鳥事


You can use my friends,  妳可以與我的朋友同樂

but that depends on what they're for  但不要忘記我

And while were laying on the floor  當我們一起躺在地上

My mouth is sore,I'm keeping score  我喋喋不休,但我不倦怠

A million reasons but I need a million more  有一百種理由,但我需要更多更多


You believe in love,I believe in faith  妳感性,我理性

They'll believe in anything, you make up villains  但他們什麼也不信,所以妳

A trillion legions of the damned and William,  塑造一個大反派威廉,他無惡不赦

It was really me,It was really you  他是妳的寫照,也是我的

There was really nothing I could do,Until then  我卻束手無策,直到

Let's use our magic powers with the children  讓我們對著孩子施展神奇的魔法

You don't understand, we don't hold hands  妳還不明白,抓緊我

Come catch me, run  奔跑吧!

Cuz I'm not having any fun  我樂在其中

I think you're sore,I think I'm done  我想你累了,我完成使命了

A million reasons  一百種的理由

Can I be your number one?  我能成為你的第一順位嗎?

Yeah, yeah









GerardWay-Millions 中文歌詞 中英翻譯字幕 CHT/ENG sub from Veromca Yang on Vimeo.




    創作者 瑪琍 的頭像


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