My Chemical Romance-The ghost of you 中文歌詞 中英翻譯





Way 兄弟在MV裡超可愛得>__< Mikey那超貼的髮型配那個金屬圓框看起來乖到炸裂!!!!!好呆萌啊>__<但是最後戰死在戰場了,看到Gee撕心裂肺的樣子我真的快哭了~~也因為他戰死,所以我對歌詞的翻譯有點異議….究竟是第一人稱還是第二人稱呢??



這首歌裡有:你,我,她。但到底是誰死了呢……….我一開始的走向是-Mikey戰死了,所以是Gee在緬懷他,受You are never coming home影響還有MV劇情XDD

At the end of the world

Or the last thing I see

You are never coming home

Nnever coming home

Could I? Should I?



And all the things that you never ever told me





I can't always just forget her

But she could try



At the top of my lungs in my arms she dies

為什麼歸西了QAQ 真是把我弄得好亂XDDD





I never said I'd lie and wait forever  我從來都不撒謊,說要等一輩子

If I died, we'd be together  如果我死了,我們一定會團聚

I can't always just forget her  我就是無法忘記她

But she could try  但她可以試著忘記我


At the end of the world  在我生命的終點

Or the last thing I see  在我臨死之際看到的是

You are never coming home  你我永遠離別了

Never coming home  永遠離別了

Could I? Should I?   我該怎麼做?

And all the things that you never ever told me  再也聽不到你未完待續的故事

And all the smiles that are never ever...   再也看不到你微笑的臉龐

Ever...  再也


Get the feeling that you're never   我感覺到你從未離開

All alone and I remember now  你不會是孤單一個人,我謹記此刻

At the top of my lungs in my arms she dies  她已長眠在我心中

She dies  長眠了


At the end of the world  在我生命的終點

Or the last thing I see  在我臨死之際看到的是

You are never coming home  你我永遠離別了

Never coming home  永遠離別了

Never coming home  永遠離別了

Could I? Should I?  我該怎麼做?

And all the things that you never ever told me  那些你還未能跟我述的話

And all the smiles that are ever gonna haunt me  你的笑容還縈繞在我心中

Never coming home  永遠離別了

Never coming home  永遠離別了

Could I? Should I?  我該怎麼做?

And all the wounds that are ever gonna scar me  這些傷不會替我留下疤痕

For all the ghosts that are never gonna catch me  這些鬼魂不會糾纏著我


If I fall  如果我陣亡了

If I fall (down)   如果我陣亡了














我的另類羅曼史MCR-The ghost of you 中文歌詞 中英字幕 from ActionCat on Vimeo.





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