My chemical romance -SING 中文歌詞 官方MV學唱版 中文翻譯




好喜歡Danger Day 危險時刻的角色扮演阿~~MV亮點也很多,兩方人馬都要搶小女孩,Gerard Way 被光頭爆頭了嗚嗚嗚,最後Frank犧牲自己把自己關在裡面,讓Ray跟小女孩逃出去好感人喔~~~~





Cleaned-up corporation progress

Dying in the process



Buy yourself a motivation,generation Nothing,

Nothing but a dead scene,product of a white dream


原本我把white dream是翻為純淨的夢,不過對照前後,覺得已經是死寂的景象了,那white翻成荒蕪可能比較好。



Sing it out  大聲唱吧

Boy, you've got to see what tomorrow brings  男孩,你能預見明日

Sing it out  大聲唱吧

Girl, you've got to be what tomorrow needs  女孩,明日不能少了妳

For every time that they want to count you out  當他們又要視而不見的時候

Use your voice every single time you open up your mouth  用你的歌聲吧,大聲的唱出來吧!


Sing it for the boys  為女孩們而唱吧

Sing it for the girls  為男孩們唱吧

Every time that you lose it sing it for the world  當你迷失了,為世界而唱吧

Sing it from the heart  用心唱吧

Sing it till you're nuts  唱到喪心病狂

Sing it out for the ones that'll hate your guts  唱給那些畏懼你的鼠輩們

Sing it for the deaf  為失聰者而唱吧

Sing it for the blind  為失明者而唱吧

Sing about everyone that you left behind  為那些被世界遺忘的人唱吧

Sing it for the world  為世界而唱吧

Sing it for the world  為世界而唱吧


Sing it out  大聲唱吧

Boy they're gonna sell what tomorrow means  男孩,你必須見證明日

Sing it out  大聲唱吧

Girl before they kill what tomorrow brings  女孩,你必須為明日而戰

You've got to make a choice if the music drowns you out  你必須在音樂淹沒你之前做出抉擇

And raise your voice  提高音量吧

Every single time they try and shut your mouth  在他們試圖要你閉嘴的時候


Sing it for the boys  為女孩們而唱吧

Sing it for the girls  為男孩們唱吧

Every time that you lose it sing it for the world  當你迷失了,為世界而唱吧

Sing it from the heart  用心唱吧

Sing it till you're nuts  唱到喪心病狂

Sing it out for the ones that'll hate your guts  唱給那些畏懼你的鼠輩們

Sing it for the deaf  為失聰者而唱吧

Sing it for the blind  為失明者而唱吧

Sing about everyone that you left behind  為那些被世界遺忘的人唱吧

Sing it for the world  為世界而唱吧

Sing it for the world  為世界而唱吧


Cleaned-up corporation progress  清除異己,為公司增利

Dying in the process  垂死掙扎

Children that can talk about it,living on the webways  孩子們敲著鍵盤議論著

People moving sideways,sell it till your last days  人群遠離,自暴自棄到末日

Buy yourself a motivation,generation nothing  贖下自己的動機,在空虛無物的時代

Nothing but a dead scene,product of a white dream  只剩死寂的景象,築著荒蕪的夢

I am not the singer that you wanted,but a dancer  我是你夢寐以求的表演者

I refuse to answer,talk about the past, sir  我拒絕回答與談論過去

Wrote it for the ones who want to get away  為了想遠離的人所寫下這首歌


Keep running!  繼續奮鬥吧!










我的另類羅曼史 My chemical romance MCR-SING 中文歌詞 from ActionCat on Vimeo.





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